domingo, 15 de julio de 2007

viernes, 6 de julio de 2007

My Top ten... "Favorites Movies"!!

1).- The Notebook ( Is the best love history I have seen in years).
2).- The Italian Job
3).- Shrek
5).- Monsters Ink
6).- Mr. Beans
7).- The Last Samurai
8).- Saw
9).- Harry Potter
10).- Borat

lunes, 4 de junio de 2007

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007

First Class!!!

Last week during the first class I met with two people, the first one of them is Diego, he´s from Maracaibo. He´s a student from Busines Administration school. He´s 21 years old and he lives in Indio Mara.

Diego is a boy who likes download music, play video games, surfing the net, chatting and hates reguetton music and people smoking in his face. His dreams is graduate from Busines Administration and visit cape town.

The second person I met with is Luisa. She´s from Cabimas. She´s a student from Law School. She´s 20 years old.

Luisa is a pretty girl who likes see movies, eat, dream, listen to music and hates get up early and working out. Her dreams is have a big house, married and have two childrens.

Diego and Luisa think that English is a awesome and really important.

Write about myself

Hello, my name’s Luisana Marval but everybody calls me Luisa.
I’m from Maracaibo. I’m 18 years old and I study Industrial Engineering at
Urbe and Administration at Luz. I live in Maracaibo, in Sierra Maestra.

I love going to the parties with my friends, dancing, listening to music, talking on the phone with my friends, my family, ice cream, my little dog and going to the shopping.

I hate the problems, violence, smoking, getting up early on the weekend, arriving late to a place.

My dream is to visit Venecia. I want to graduate from Engineering School and be a good engineer. I’d love to work in an important company and get a good car, get married with a good man and start a family.

My opinion about English is that it is the most important language in the world that means it’s the universal language. I watch TV and listen to music in English cause it’s a way to practice it. I want to do a course in a very good English institute to improve my English. I speak it a little but I need to practice more.

It´s all about me. What about you? please, leave a comment.