Hello, my name’s Luisana Marval but everybody calls me Luisa.
I’m from Maracaibo. I’m 18 years old and I study Industrial Engineering at
Urbe and Administration at Luz. I live in Maracaibo, in Sierra Maestra.
I’m from Maracaibo. I’m 18 years old and I study Industrial Engineering at
Urbe and Administration at Luz. I live in Maracaibo, in Sierra Maestra.
I love going to the parties with my friends, dancing, listening to music, talking on the phone with my friends, my family, ice cream, my little dog and going to the shopping.
I hate the problems, violence, smoking, getting up early on the weekend, arriving late to a place.
My dream is to visit Venecia. I want to graduate from Engineering School and be a good engineer. I’d love to work in an important company and get a good car, get married with a good man and start a family.
My opinion about English is that it is the most important language in the world that means it’s the universal language. I watch TV and listen to music in English cause it’s a way to practice it. I want to do a course in a very good English institute to improve my English. I speak it a little but I need to practice more.
It´s all about me. What about you? please, leave a comment.
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